
Costa Rica Shuttle Transport San Jose to Arenal

Shared Shuttle Transport San Jose to Arenal Volcano

Costa Rica Shared Transport San Jose to Arenal and Vice Versa. Comfortable, safe and modern shared transportation. This type of shared transport is a good alternative if you cannot afford private transport and do not want to go on the hot, and sometimes unsafe, public buses.

This is a door-to-door service from your hotel in downtown San Jose.  Some shuttles can pick up and drop off directly at the airport. They can also pick up at some airport hotels but if your hotel is not in the pick up zone  you can go to Denny’s Restaurant.  Denny's is very easy to get to, just two minutes taxi ride from the airport, opposite the Holiday Inn Express  - all the taxis know it). 

Journey time is approx 4 hours. There is a stop along the way to get a snack, stretch your legs and use the service facilities.

Click here for other routes (Monteverde, Manuel Antonio, Samara, Tamarindo and other places in Costa Rica)

Pick up times (San Jose to Arenal)

Morning:  7.20am from downtown San Jose and about  8.45am from San Jose airport area (Alajuela) and Denny's Restaurant 

Afternoon: 1.20pm from downtown San Jose and about 2.45pm from San Jose airport area (Alajuela) and Denny's Restaurant

**note exact times may change by a few minutes depending on hotel location


Monteverde Tours small bn

Prices (San Jose to Arenal and Aenal to San Jose)

Morning and Afternoon Transport: 

Luggage is restricted to one main bag and one small bag. If you have a surf board or extra luggage there may be an extra charge so please contact us.  Contact Us

Click here for other routes (Monteverde, Manuel Antonio, Samara, Tamarindo and other places in Costa Rica)

IMPORTANT! Please check us with us first if there is space before booking! Your reservation is not secure until you receive a confirmation in writing from us. The confirmation will give you the exact pick up time as they vary depending on your hotel location. 

Monteverde Tours small bn

What to Bring?



  • Morning

  • Afternoon


  • 4 hours

Please take in consideration before booking

Have questions or need help?

Booking, Prices, Questions?

Please contact us to make a reservation

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